9:08 AM

I'm melting, meltiiiinnng...The air conditioning broke down here at work, so it's a little toasty. Thank heavens I have a fan in my office. Our showroom is 90 degrees! I think the receptionist may wilt away, but that really wouldn't be a bad thing since she is such a tool.

So the bill for the car...$857.00. Quite the difference from $450.00, eh? When you are reduced to laughing hysterically at all that is going on, I not sure that is a good thing. Chris and I were supposed to have a quiet evening alone last night, but lo and behold his sister decides not to go into work AGAIN so that put the kibosh on that.

I have to pick my mother up from the train station tonight. She's been gone 9 days and the first thing she will ask me is if I missed her. Ummm, no? Sorry, but a break from dealing with her was needed desperately. Hopefully she managed to get some housing issues sorted out because I will go off the deep end if she is back on my couch by August 31st. Not to mention Chris will go ballistic.

On a good note, I had some gift certificates for Future Shop (an electronics store) so I went shopping yesterday. I picked up the special edition of "V For Vendetta", which is an awesome movie. I also got "The Chosen Collection", which is all seven seasons of Buffy! For only $139.99!!! I am so psyched to start watching them. Joss Whedon is the master. Now I just need the first four seasons of Angel and I will have the complete Whedon collection. I am such a geek :p


Kristi K. said...

If being a fan of "Angel" and "Buffy" qualifies one as a geek, Rob is a major geek. However, he's a big, muscle-bound type guy, so I have a feeling no one would say it straight to his face. :) I think he has one or two seasons of Buffy on dvd. Not to mention every super hero movie, cartoon, documentary, etc., known to man. I was actually going to take him to Metropolis for his bday one year, but it fell through. It's an actual city, dedicated to Superman, either in Indiana or Illinois. I forget which one.

I hope your a/c gets fixed post haste. I can't imagine just making due with a fan today. Wheh!

I also totally relate to what you're saying about your mom. The other day I realized how much calmer life has been since my mothers passed. I immediately felt guilty, but the truth is, after the shock and grief was over, I had time for myself. If it makes me a bad person to say this, I guess I am. But I wouldn't bring them back if I could. I am doing more than just coping now, and I am okay with that. You aren't alone, ellie. You're human...and not a geek. :)

neicybelle said...

Metropolis is in Illinois...it's where my mother was born! We've been there a few times.

Angel(drool) and Buffy rocks!!!*squeals* time for a buffy marathon party!! i'll bring the veggies and dip!!

Leah said...

Ooh, Metropolis! That sounds so cool! I have pretty much every superhero movie, too.

The ac got fixed finally so we are no longer sitting in a sauna at work. Our moronic receptionist actually threatened to quit over how hot it was. Like the rest of weren't sweating to death as well. Geesh.

Your feelings about your mother do not make you a bad person, Kristi. Sometimes you have to think of your own feelings first, for the sake of yourself and those around you. I don't think my mother was thrilled when I wasn't able to tell her that I had missed her while she was away, but that's too bad. I'm can't beat myself up over being relieved to not have to deal with her for a while.

A Buffy marathon party? Woohoo! You bring the veggies and dip, I'll bring the babaganoush and pitas!