8:48 AM

Another long weekend that flew by in an instant. Still, it was great not being at work for three days with how turbulent the atmosphere is around here.

Saturday was pretty quiet. I was in a grumpy mood that I just couldn't shake. I had dinner with Chris, his dad and his sister then we went mini-golfing. On Sunday I took my mom grocery shopping and brought her back to my place for lunch. We spent the afternoon watching home improvement shows and enjoying the air conditioning. On Monday, Chris and I went to a conservation area in Rockwood and went paddleboating. That was fun, although the park was insanely packed.

Now back to the grind today...


Kristi K. said...

I spent some time yesterday reading over your blog. I don't think I'd ever read your archives. I feel like I know you so much better now.

At times my heart ached for you. I want you to know that some of your posts were so close to how I feel I could have written them myself. It was uncanny.

Hope you have a good week, ellie.

Leah said...

Thanks for reading the archives, Kristi. Hopefully I don't come off too whiny, but this is the only place I feel free to express what I'm feeling and "let loose", if you will. It's always nice to find a kindred spirit in this world, to know that you are not alone in your experiences and feelings. I hope you have a great week, too!

Kristi K. said...

Whiny wasn't one of the words that come to mind when I think of you. Strong. Patient. Long suffering. Genuine. Honest. Those fit better.

Leah said...

Thank you! That was my "warm fuzzy" for the day!

neicybelle said...

btw, i love the new layout with your birds at the top!!