8:53 AM

Episode 1 of Buffy down. I lasted 25 minutes at a good pace on the Gazelle before I was ready to pass out. I figure it will take a few weeks to get to the full 45 minutes, so I'll just a few minutes each day. it was hilarious watching Buffy, though-they were all so young! I am really looking forward to getting through these episodes and reliving all the Buffy goodness.

I drank almost 4 litres of water yesterday. That's just over a gallon in US terms. I felt like I was swishing when I walked! Not to mention our work only has one women's bathroom and I swear someone was in it everytime I had to go. When it's time to renovate this dealership, my first request will be a staff bathroom for the women (there are 10 of us, for heaven's sake!). It's always fun when there is a line-up of us outside the bathroom, hopping around doing the pee-pee dance. I've already had a litre so far today...


Kristi K. said...

Oh man, that bathroom story makes me squirm just thinking about it! We have two women in our office...myself and "Bipsy." There are two bathrooms in the office alone, and two in the plant. I can't imagine having to wait in line! Egads! Luckily, I had surgery in February which has made me "Iron Bladder Lady." :)
I maintained my goal weight(130) for several years because in addition to watching what I ate and working out, I drank water like a fiend. It does get a bit tiresome at times. Now I supplement bottled water with flavored no-calorie waters. Seems to be a little less...plain. :)
Great going on the workout! You are inspiring me!

Leah said...

Ooh, flavoured water is the best! I had a grape one this morning and an ornage on e for lunch. I also love the little Crystal Light packets for the water, especially Raspberry Ice. Yum! I cannot drink plain water unless it's freezing cold, so this makes it much easier to get in the water I need.

Kristi K. said...

Ooh! I've been wanting to try those Crystal Light packets! I'll have to go get some now that I have your recommendation!