3:21 PM

This was an email a former coworker sent me today and I thought it could be fun to post it here:

Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Service Coordinator
2. Receptionist/Admin
3. School Age Childcare Supervisor
4. Cashier

Four movies I have watched over and over:

1. Star Wars
2. Beverly Hills Cop
3. X-Men
4. Finding Nemo

Four places I have lived:

1. Burlington, Ontario
2. Hamilton, Ontario
3. Stoney Creek, Ontario
4. Ancaster, Ontario (these are all within 15 minutes of each other)

Four TV shows EI enjoy watching:

1. CSI
2. Star Trek (all except Enterprise)
3. Buffy & Angel
4. American Idol

Four places I have been on vacation:

1. Orlando (when I was ten)
2. Cottage Country, Ontario
4. (I need to get a life apparently...)

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Shrimp!!
2. Spicy Guacamole and fresh Salsa (yum!)
3. Steak
4. Cheesecake

Four Places I would rather be right now:

1. Asleep in bed
2. Curled up on the couch with Chris
3. Playing with puppies
4. God, anywhere but work!


neicybelle said...

the last one i said "amen sister" to over and over...except for being on the couch with chris...i'd find someone else to cuddle with...but that was fun! thanks for sharing this too!!!

Kristi K. said...

Hey, I did this on my blog quite some time ago. I think it's the exact one. I forget what month. I think that is so much fun! And informative! :)
B.t.w., neicy, that was funny about cuddling with Chris. ;) Right now, I only want to cuddle with KRIS. Rob...I'm not feeling too cuddly toward at this point. :) Now if only I could wrap my arms around myself....ugh...I need to lose a few pounds before that will work! :)

Leah said...

Sending hugs your way, Kristi!