2:34 PM

Is it Friday yet??

Today is one of those days. You know, when you want to go postal on everyone because they are just bloody annoying. Chris' exact words were, "Man, you are TESTY today". Testy? Hah, that is the polite way for saying BITCHY.

The cause of this wondrous mood-no sleep. And why no sleep? Because wedding plans are getting more complicated by the minute. But I can't be completely selfish or I will truly be a Bridezilla. Looks like we are going to have a small wedding instead of eloping. Chris' dad and sister were pretty upset at the notion of not being able to attend and I can empathize with them. Their family is so small now with Chris' mom gone and they rely on each other a great deal. So I can make concessions for that. So I have a guest list of 15 people (that is Chris' ENTIRE family plus my dad, stepmother, mother, grandmother and 3 close friends). This small group is still going to screw with my budget, but hopefully my dad and Chris' dad will at least kick in a bit of money to help out. WE had set a date of february 2008, but now with people coming, we don't want to do it in winter. So I am pushing for summer 2007 (I really don't want to wait until summer 2008-it's almost 2 years away!).

On the plus side, I found my dress! In case you didn't know, I am a huge Ebay junkie. I used to spend a ridiculous amount of money but now it's just a few purchases here and there when I find a great deal. So this dress is brand-new from Emme Bridal and retails for almost $700 US dollars. I won the auction last night--for $90!!! Woo hoo! The measurements are perfect and I think it will be wonderful for an intimate wedding (not too formal, but still feels like wedding dress to me) . I also got my jewellery and hair accessories. Ha! All I need is a venue and money to pay for it and I'm all set. Oh wait, I guess I need Chris there , too :P


Kristi K. said...

Wow. There is so much to think about in the wedding dept.! Geez! I never would have thunk it! And even with a relatively small celebration that you're planning....I'm starting to see why some people hire wedding planners! Wow!

Well, you have some time to prepare, and as smart as I can tell you are, you're going to have this thing figured out in no time. In the interim, try not to kill anyone. After all, the ceremony won't be nearly as lovely if held behind bars. ;)

P.S. I didn't see Neicy's OR my name on that wedding invitation list. Hrumph! ;)

Leah said...

Hey, maybe I can set up a webcam for you guys :P

Thanks for the chuckle, Kristi--I desperately needed one. A wedding would be kinda drab behind bars.

The annoying part is this literally doubles the cost of the wedding and so far, no one has offered to help out so I have to figure out how to save up all this money before hadn. Grrr.