9:29 AM

I would say "woohoo, it's Friday", but I have volunteered to work the next two Saturdays so Friday doesn't mean much. The wedding will not pay for itself, especially since the budget has now doubled, so I'll have to try and earn any extra cash that I can.

I'm sorry I haven't posted much, I've been down in the dumps and not overtalkative in general. Hopefully next week will be better. Have a great weekend and Neicy, have a fabulous party! Wish I could come!


Kristi K. said...

I'm sorry you're so down. What's going on with your mom these days? Any change?

Remember, I'm here if you need an ear...like I said to neicy....I have two that are gently used but available. :)

neicybelle said...

i think this past week was a bad one for us all...hopefully, next week will bring more smiles...