12:36 PM

Thank you, Kristi, for getting "The Name Game" song stuck in my head. Now every employee that I see makes me start doing the song in my head with their name...lol.

Work has been bonkers, hence why I haven't been able to post much. My machete weilding days are coming, I tell ya.

November 1st has come and gone and I have officially launched into Christmas present buying mode. I should be done by the end of November. I hate crowds, so getting it done early just saves me the misery of slogging the through the crowds. I have some candle holders for Mom and a Snowbaby for Elizabeth and a Trailer Park Boys toque for Chris. Next week when my bonus comes in I will be able to knock off a whole bunch.

Mom moves on Monday, so that should be an adventure. I figure it will cost about $1000 to get the move done, considering there is 2.5 hours of travel time each way and her apartment building doesn't have an elevator (ugh, she's on the third floor). I hope she likes it there and can finally get herself settled. I won't be able to visit her again until the first weekend in December, so hopefully she will be able to get used to the separation.

Have a good weekend, all!


Kristi K. said...

Ugh! Blogger ate my witty comment! Again!

Oh well, it's 12:30 here and I'm tired. I'm up way past my bedtime! I'm going to get a reputation if this keeps up, and they'll never let me in to the retirement home early. It's already a strike against me that I can't play bridge! :)

Oh, to get the song back on your mind....machete chete, bo betty me my mo metty, machete.... ;)

Remember, wedding shower gifts....I'm sure people won't bring a gift if you kill them. If they do, run!

Hope the move goes well and I hope blogger doesn't eat this comment. Or I might have to borrow your machete.

I'm too tired to be coherent.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. I am so jealous of the shopping early thing! I haven't bought one item yet! We used to be so on top of this, until the kids started wanting all the fancy MP3 players and digital crap. Now it's just depressing!

neicybelle said...

i don't shop early either...i try...but like kristi, my kids are at an age where it's easier to just give them gift cards...it's useless to try and shop for them...*sigh*

i've been so busy at work this week, i haven't had time for much blogger either. it'll slow down next week, hopefully!

have a great weekend!

Holli said...

Ugh... Christmas... bahhumbug!
I for the past 4 yrs have went out on Veteran's Day and did all my shopping that one day. Yep - all of it for everyone including extra ooops didn't think about the neighbor kind of gifts. But this year... I am so broke. I have no money and therefore I will not be shopping on Friday. I don't do crowds, I don't do cold, I don't do wet mushy snow and dragging shopping bags around. Wow, sounds like I don't do anything huh?
Well have a great week!