11:10 AM

Yesterday was a heck of a lot of fun. We met with mom and her psychiatrist to discuss the ECT treatments. I was still up in the air about it, but I also wasn't too thrilled with the cocktail of drugs she would be on as the other option (lithium, risperidone, effexor and remeron). After meeting with my mother on her own, however, it became glaringly apparent that she needs serious help quickly.

Her mental state has actually deteriorated since entering the hospital-she thinks "they" have followed her to the hospital, that she wants to hire private investigators because she is being "framed", the chocolates Chris brought her had been tampered with so she threw them out...it goes on. She wanted to undergo the treatment and Chris and I agreed that would probably stand a better chance of success, not to mention work quicker, which is important given the extreme mental duress she's under. So we left at 6:00, with her in okay shape and me coming back to visit Sunday (my cousins are coming Saturday to keep her company that day).

At about 8:15 last night, my phone rings. It's Mom, and she wants out of the hospital NOW. The other patients are "out to get her", abusing her and the nursing staff are all in on it. She demanded I come get her and when I refused she hung up on me. Five minutes later, she calls again, demanding I call the police and get her out. I tell her no, that she needs to be there to get help but there is absolutely no reasoning with her in this state. She pretty much told me off and said it was nice knowing me and hung up.

That's the last I have heard from her. I am afraid she will start refusing treatment. I spoke with her nurse this morning and so far she is refusing to leave her room and being quite difficult. I will have to check with the psychiatrist this afternoon to make sure the ECT is still scheduled for Monday. If things don't settle down soon, I may end up in the room next to her.


neicybelle said...

Oh Ellie, I'm so sorry! I asked a friend of mine just recently about dealing with my mother and her antics. I told her that sometimes I feel one step away from being in the mental wing myself. It's so hard to process all of this while trying to keep you life sane. Unfortunately, she didn't have an answer for me...I do hope that the treatments go as planned and they help.

Leah said...

Thank you, Neicy. It is a really hard time but I'll get through it (hopefully pretty much intact!) I know what a tough time you are going through yourself so I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. Take care.