9:42 AM

Thank goodness Friday is finally here. It has been impossible to sleep this week (thankfully I have had some great books to read) so I plan on taking a pill tonight and crashing out. I talked to Mom last night and she sounded pretty good. She apologized for her behaviour on Friday, which was nice that she actually is taking some responsibility for her actions. The doctor has bumped up her lithium, so we will have to see how that works out. She is scheduled to start the ECT treatments again on Monday if there is still no improvement in her delusions. I am going to head out to visit her on Saturday and hopefully that goes well.

I am hoping the weather is decent this weekend so I can use the pool at Chris' house. It is definitely cooler today after the ridiculous heat and humidity yesterday. We were supposed to have a Social Club meeting last night (I head the committee) but one of the girls had other plans so we had to cancel. I was so looking forward to a night out (not to mention the Firecracker Shrimp Bowtie Pasta at East Side Mario's!) but c'est la vie.


neicybelle said...

I hope you get lots of rest and relaxation this weekend...I'm glad you're getting a little break...A pool and a maitai sounds like a good thing to me!