10:14 PM

It has officially been four of the worst days EVER.

My mother had to be admitted to the psych ward after I took her to the psychiatrist's Friday afternoon. She had been extremely paranoid all week and was having auditory delusions (ie. hearing people talking about her, laughing at her, whistling although she was alone in her apartment). The doctor admitted her Friday night and I don't think I have ever felt so horrible when I had to leave her there. She looked so scared. Since being at the hospital, they have started giving her anti-psychotics, which should help with the delusions-she is hearing "them" (these mysterious people who are out to get her) at the hospital, especially in the quiet of her room. It's very frightening.

So Chris' birthday was a bust, although dinner turned out nicely. X-Men 3 was really good, but not as good as the 2nd movie. Lord of the Rings was fantastic-amazing sets and imagery. But everything was overshadowed by the problems with my mom, so I really didn't enjoyit all as much as I would have liked.


neicybelle said...

Oh Ellie...I'm so sorry!! *shakes head* It breaks my heart for you! I hope they are able to help your mom.

Maybe you and Chris can have a makeup date later...

Leah said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I hope they are able to help her, too, so she can get back to living her life instead of having her illness control her.