2:21 PM

Okay, I had to run around like a chicken with its head lopped off this morning to get a certified check and have it to my insurance brokers this morning for 9:00 am. Damn you straight to hell, Sunoco, for doing this to me. The damned ceritifed cheque cost $10, plus I had to spend $10 on the adorable little teddy bear they were selling in the bank for Children's Miracle Network (okay, maybe I didn't have to, but it was darn cute).

I've scheduled my appointment to write my test for Georgian College/OMVIC on Monday, so I better get my ass in gear and study. I'm not quite sure what I will do with my certification, but at least it's something else under my belt.

I found out our new receptionist slash sales managers' slave-girl has a higher bloody salary than mine, so I am royally pissed about that. I may have to talk to our GM, as I haven't worked here 5 years to be out-paid by this woman.

I have to work tomorrow, which sucks. I so need to sleep in. Sunday won't be remotely relaxing as I will be running Mom about most of the day. At least next weekend is the long weekend.