9:08 PM

I have to agree with Denise...it's only Tuesday, but already it's been a crappy week.

I woke up Monday morning and could barely move with the horrible lower back pain. I am shuffling around like a 90 year old woman. Sleep was elusive last night and at one point I had dozed off after taking a few Advil. I woke up choking on stomach acid that had worked it's way up and it burnt the hell out of the back of my throat. No more sleep for Leah.

I am sitting here waiting for the Tylenol 3's that a kind co-worker gave to me to kick in so I can hopefully get some shut-eye tonight. They have given me heartburn, so I chomped on some disgusting Gaviscon to get rid of that. Ugh...I just want sleep!

My weekend was kind of sucky. I was supposed to have coffee with an old friend from grade school that I met up with on Facebook. Unfortunately, she didn't show up and I was left drinking my strawberry lemonade smoothie alone. Turns out she had reversed the last two numbers of my cell phone #, so she was unable to let me know she couldn't make it. It's too bad, because I really could have stood to see a friendly face, as I have been unable to shake these blues that I have right now.

One fun thing (at least for a geek like me) is that my five seasons of Smallville have arrived on DVD, so I have been watching them in all this alone time I seem to have right now. Really fun show to watch (and Tom Welling is certainly easy on the eyes...). I'm just into Season 2 now.

I have a super long weekend coming up. It's Labour Day, so I'm off Saturday, Sunday and Monday plus I took off Tuesday and Wednesday as well. I have no plans as of yet, other than trying to get some R&R. It will just be so nice to be away from work...I'm about ready to run wild with my machete again ;)

Hope all is well in your world!


neicybelle said...

wow! that is a long weekend! i'm planning on coming up on the 14th...let's see if we can meet up somewhere on the 16th on my way out...

i'm sorry your back hurts! that's so not fun! *hugs*

hope you have a very relaxing weekend! i'm ready for some time off!

Kristi K. said...

Me three! I need that extra day off! If I don't get away from my job soon, I'm going to run screaming down the (very busy) road in front of our building. Ugh. This has been a gem of a week for all of us, huh? Hope you feel better soon and have a good long weekend. Hugs!