10:50 PM

Hello, I'm Eeyore. What would you like to know?

Me: Will my co-workers ever stop driving me bonkers?

Eeyore: Wouldn't count on it, but that's just me.

Go ahead, ask me a question.

Me: Are you the most intelligent creature I'm going to have a conversation with today?

Eeyore: Probably so, but I'm always the last to know.

Got a question? Well, go ahead and ask it.

Me: Am I going crazy talking to an animated stuffed donkey?

Eeyore: I'll ask Pooh, try again later. I've got a question for you, if it's not too much trouble...sorry to bother you, but is my tail still on?

*actual transcripts from Leah's Q&A session with Ask Me More Eeyore.


Kristi K. said...

Omg! That's so cute! You know, I really didn't know he did that! Wow!

Ask him: "Is Kris really a blonde, deep down?"

"Probably so, but I'm always the last to know...."

neicybelle said...

LOL!! omg ellie!! that's amazing!! that eeyore is sooooo cute!! those answers are awesome!!

i don't know if it's any comfort or not, but i sleep with my eeyore, and if he could talk...he'd tell me, would you shut and let me get some sleep! lol! oh well...

eeyore rocks!!!