8:45 AM

Suddenly Monday appears again...

It was a pretty good weekend, despite the scorching heat. Chris sent me to the spa for a facial on Saturday, so that was an awesome treat. It was incredibly relaxing. We were going to go mini golfing Saturday night, but it was just too hot. We went out to look at a car for Chris on Sunday and I swear I almost melted. Today is supposed to go up to over 45 degrees with the humidex!

Four more sleeps until holiday time. Yay!!


Kristi K. said...

It was so hot this weekend, I swear I sweated more fluid than I took in! Geez!
I hope the weather moderates some so you and Chris can enjoy your vacation.
Looking forward to hearing how you spent your time off.

neicybelle said...

ahhhh...a spa! how fun!! How hot is it normally in Canada this time of year? Hope it cools down in time for your holiday!

Leah said...

To put it in fahrenheit, it's been 115 degrees with the humidex. Our summers in southern Ontario are brutally hot from July to September, with wicked humidity. I think the heat wave is supposed to break by the weekend, so that will be nice.

neicybelle said...

wow...i never would have dreamed canado got that hot! i saw where we're all supposed to get a break this weekend...i hope so!