2:08 PM

Another bloody customer clinic. Ugh. The customers are great and so is the presenter who comes in, but getting zero acknowledgment for the work I do blows bigtime. For some reason the higher-ups seem to think I enjoy having a thirteen hour work day, hauling heavy tables and chairs, carrying bags of food and preparing platters, and getting nothing for it. They are deluded, apparently. Mom comes back from Brantford today after a two-day trip. It was blissful having the house to myself last night, although I wish I would have known she wasn't coming home yesterday so I could have had Chris over. We only have 5 more episodes to go until we are finished Firefly, which has been absolutely awesome to this point. It's a shame the network hadn't appreciated what a great show it was. I ordered season3 of Roswell on DVD, now I just need to find season 2 at a decent price. The diet is going well, so far, but I'm sure I'll slip up today with all the goodies at the clinic...ah, well. I'll make sure I go right back to it tomorrow.