4:30 PM

I apologize...it's been forever since I've posted. I just have not had it in me...to say that I have been blue would be an understatement, but perhaps it's the best way to decribe how I feel.. Very blue.

My mom is in town visiting me for a while, as she is going to watch the birds when Chris and I go away for Thanksgiving this weekend. We are supposed to go up to his family's cottage for Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, but so far the weather looks kinda crappy, so Chris may decide not to go. Then I don't know what the heck I will do with my 5 days off. Maybe sleep....

It's nice having Mom visit, though. With her being a couple of hours away now, I don't see her nearly as much as I used to. And now that her meds are working so well, she's totally back to being herself, so it's great to spend time with her (such a difference from when she was living with me and so unbalanced). We are going out for dinner with Elizabeth tonight-they haven't seen each other in a couple of years, so that will be nice.

I hope everything is good in your world!


Kristi K. said...

I'm so happy that everything has worked itself out for your mom. And yay to having dinner with Elizabeth and your mom tonight!

I am crossing my fingers that everything works out for you to get some time with Chris at the cottage.

Hang in there, okay?

Love and hugs!

neicybelle said...

i've missed you so very much! am so glad to hear from you!

am so glad to hear your mum is doing well! i do hope this weekend works out well..although 5 days of sleep sounds like heaven to me right now...lol!
seriously...hope you have a great weekend!
ky is coming down here, and i'm taking him down south to show him the place i call home...
