3:24 PM

I'm convinced that I am surrounded by ding-a-lings. The receptionist told me this morning that I am the "go-to girl, the one that knows everything". Uh huh. Then why is my salary less than the receptionist, who has worked here for just under 2 months while I have slaved away here for 6 years? Go figure. I think it's machete time, ladies...

Last night Chris and I had awesome take-out from Montfort restaurant. Chris got bathenjane and falafels and I got babaganouj and chicken shawarma. Ooh, was it good. This is the third mediterranean restaurant we have tried in the area and it's my second favourite behind Carmel. I start drooling just thinking about the food...

Tonight we are off to meet with the photographer to put down a deposit and such. This the last "big" thing I need to book, so it will be a relief to have it out of the way.
Only two more days til Friday, gals. We can make it!


Holli said...

Oh honey - I work with engineers and rocket scientists (literally) talk about ding-a-lings!!! Good grief! They are so smart that they're stupid!
Hope you like the photographer! Glad that the plans are going smoothly!

neicybelle said...

i would love to hear you pronounce those foods...lol!

i'm sorry about the wage thing...that sucks so much!!!

hope your weekend was great!