2:13 PM

End of the week...

It's Friday, it's Friday...la, la, la...

Another delightful week in the life a a sales and service adminstrator at an automobile dealership. I could be saying, "Do you want fries with that?", so it could be worse. One of my bosses is off on vacation next week for March break, so that should prove to be interesting. The mouse will not be playing while the cat is away, since there are two meaner cats here ready to pounce.

Chris is still ridiculously sick, but I braved going to see him yesterday as it was the 3rd anniversary of his mom's passing and I didn't want him to be alone. I have missed him terribly all week, so it was nice just to curl up on the couch with him.

This weekend will be full of more purging and cleaning. My bedroom is almost done, so that is a relief. The big task will be boxing up all the stuff for charity-I hope I can get someone to come pick it up as it will be several trips up and down the three flights of stairs to get rid of it all. I wish I lived in a house so I could have a garage sale-there is some good stuff in there! Ah, well. At least it will go to someone who needs it.

The big geek in me wishes the months would go by a little bit quicker. It's going to be a great summer for movies and I'm so excited for them to start! Spiderman 3, Fantastic Four 2, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix...plus the release of the new Harry Potter book in July!

I finally told my dad yesterday that we had set a wedding date. That was an interesting conversation. He attempted to muster a sliver of enthusiasm but then managed to throw me completely off balance. He didn't think a few of my aunts and uncles would be happy with not being on the guest list. So he said he would have to talk it over with his wife and perhaps we could invite more people and he would pay for the dinner and bar. Oy. I don't have a problem with a couple more people, but my dad has seven brothers and their wives. I knew there was a bloody reason why I wanted to elope. Now Chris is saying it's okay if we elope. Well, no. Now I have gone and made all these plans, put down deposits, bought decorations and such, plus I'm thrilled with our dinner location and am excited about it. It's too late to turn back now. If my dad tries to make it too out of control, then I'll have to reign him in.

Here's to everyone having a great weekend and enjoying this spurt of warm weather!


Kristi K. said...

Oh yes, TGIF!

I'm so glad you got to see Chris. Being apart for so long has to stink! I hope he feels better real soon!

The more I hear about all these wedding changes and decisions, the more I think I am glad we did what we did.

The Monday before the 4th of July, we said, "Hey, wanna get married this weekend?" We made a few calls. If people could get off work to come, great, if not, too bad. ;) Some people got mad. But they got over it. ;)

I think you're going to have a lovely wedding, but remember, Ellie, it's YOUR wedding. Don't let people run you over. You're too strong for that. Family or not.

Have a good weekend, and try not to work too hard at "purging".


Holli said...

OH! We have the same taste in movies! Me and Tucker have a countdown going for Spiderman 3 and he draws the Silver Surfer all the time and he makes up all these scenarios of what he thinks is going to happen in Fantastic 4!
Hooray for great summer movies!
Boo - for wedding plans! I know how stressful it is. My 1st wedding - stressful. My 2nd wedding Tim and I went away. It was wonderful. But hey - if dad is willing to pay I'd hold my hand out and say pay up!
Hope Chris is feeling better very soon!

neicybelle said...

thanks for the update! so good to hear from you! after you're done there, you can come down here and help me, eh? lol!
yay for sitting on the couch with your honey! i sure am missing mine!

totally have to agree with the girls here...it's your wedding...besides...you could invite them and they may not show up anyway...it's the thought that counts, you know?