I'm convinced that I am surrounded by ding-a-lings. The receptionist told me this morning that I am the "go-to girl, the one that knows everything". Uh huh. Then why is my salary less than the receptionist, who has worked here for just under 2 months while I have slaved away here for 6 years? Go figure. I think it's machete time, ladies...
Last night Chris and I had awesome take-out from Montfort restaurant. Chris got bathenjane and falafels and I got babaganouj and chicken shawarma. Ooh, was it good. This is the third mediterranean restaurant we have tried in the area and it's my second favourite behind Carmel. I start drooling just thinking about the food...
Ooh, am I dragging my sorry butt this morning. I'm battling with a week long bout of insomnia right now and it's catching up with me bigtime. And on a Monday no less...
The weekend was pretty good. I went to Mom's Saturday morning and I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to go since we got a foot of snow Friday night. But luckily I was able to get out of my parking lot and the roads were in pretty good shape. We had a good time, mainly shopping and watching the tube. We watched "Practical Magic", which I hadn't seen since it was in theatres, so that was fun. Then it was back home Sunday afternoon.
And here we are at Monday morning. I hope everyone else is having a better morning than I am currently and that you had a fabulous weekend!
It's Friday, it's Friday...la, la, la...
Another delightful week in the life a a sales and service adminstrator at an automobile dealership. I could be saying, "Do you want fries with that?", so it could be worse. One of my bosses is off on vacation next week for March break, so that should prove to be interesting. The mouse will not be playing while the cat is away, since there are two meaner cats here ready to pounce.
Chris is still ridiculously sick, but I braved going to see him yesterday as it was the 3rd anniversary of his mom's passing and I didn't want him to be alone. I have missed him terribly all week, so it was nice just to curl up on the couch with him.
This weekend will be full of more purging and cleaning. My bedroom is almost done, so that is a relief. The big task will be boxing up all the stuff for charity-I hope I can get someone to come pick it up as it will be several trips up and down the three flights of stairs to get rid of it all. I wish I lived in a house so I could have a garage sale-there is some good stuff in there! Ah, well. At least it will go to someone who needs it.
The big geek in me wishes the months would go by a little bit quicker. It's going to be a great summer for movies and I'm so excited for them to start! Spiderman 3, Fantastic Four 2, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix...plus the release of the new Harry Potter book in July!
I finally told my dad yesterday that we had set a wedding date. That was an interesting conversation. He attempted to muster a sliver of enthusiasm but then managed to throw me completely off balance. He didn't think a few of my aunts and uncles would be happy with not being on the guest list. So he said he would have to talk it over with his wife and perhaps we could invite more people and he would pay for the dinner and bar. Oy. I don't have a problem with a couple more people, but my dad has seven brothers and their wives. I knew there was a bloody reason why I wanted to elope. Now Chris is saying it's okay if we elope. Well, no. Now I have gone and made all these plans, put down deposits, bought decorations and such, plus I'm thrilled with our dinner location and am excited about it. It's too late to turn back now. If my dad tries to make it too out of control, then I'll have to reign him in.
Here's to everyone having a great weekend and enjoying this spurt of warm weather!
I'm A Woman
I can wash out forty-four pairs of socks
And have them hangin’ out on the line
I can starch and iron two dozen shirts
Before you can count from one to nine
I can scoop up a great big dipper
Full of lard from the drippin’s can
Throw it in the skillet, go out and do my
Shopping and be back before it melts in the pan
‘Cause I’m a woman
I’ll say it again
I can rub and scrub till this old house
Is shinin’ like a dime
Feed the baby, grease the car and
Powder my face at the same time.
Get all dressed up, go out and swing
Till four a.m. and then
Lay down at five, jump up at six
And start all over again.
‘Cause I’m a woman
I’ll say it again
If you come to me sickly,
you knowI’m gonna make you well
If you come to me hexed up,
You know I’m gonna break the spell
If you come to me hungry,
You know I’m gonna fill you full o’ grits
If it’s lovin’ you’re lackin’, I’ll kiss you
And give you the shiverin’ fits.
‘Cause I’m a woman
I’ll say it again
I can stretch a greenback dollar bill
From here to kingdom come
I can play the numbers, pay my bills
And still end up with some
I got a twenty dollar gold piece says
There ain’t nothin’ I can’t do
I can make a dress out of a feed bag
And I can make a man out of you
‘Cause I’m a woman
I’ll say it again
‘Cause I’m a woman
And that’s all
The Fighter
I fight a battle every day
Against discouragement and fear;
Some foe stands always in my way,
The path ahead is never clear!
I must forever be on guard
Against the doubts that skulk along;
I get ahead by fighting hard,
But fighting keeps my spirit strong.
I hear the croakings of Despair,
The dark predictions of the weak;
I find myself pursued by Care,
No matter what the end I seek;
My victories are small and few,
It matters not how hard I strive;
Each day the fight begins anew,
But fighting keeps my hopes alive.
My dreams are spoiled by circumstance,
My plans are wrecked by Fate or Luck;
Some hour, perhaps, will bring my chance,
But that great hour has never struck;
My progress has been slow and hard,
I've had to climb and crawl and swim,
Fighting for every stubborn yard,
But I have kept in fighting trim.
I have to fight my doubts away,
And be on guard against my fears;
The feeble croaking of Dismay
Has been familiar through the years;
My dearest plans keep going wrong,
Events combine to thwart my will,
But fighting keeps my spirit strong,
And I am undefeated still!
S.E. Kiser
This is the dress my maid of honour, Elizabeth, will be wearing. I sent her about 20 dresses that I liked and luckily she picked my favourite. This is just the colour I was hoping for-a periwinkle shade of blue. It comes with a matching beaded wrap-I think it's beautiful. And she got it for a steal. I didn't want her spending a fortune-I hate it when wedding attendants are expected to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a dress they will probably only wear once. I already have her jewelery picked out to go with it, so I'm excited to buy that. Then that will be two things checked off Bridezilla's list...
I thought I would have a seat and take a break from all the work I have been doing around the apartment. My shoulders and back are going to be screaming at me tomorrow but it will be worth it for all I have accomplished yesterday and today.
Chris is still horribly sick and has banned me from his presence to prevent me from catching his nasty infection. Good thinking, but I miss him. Ah,well. It has given me a lot of free time this weekend to continue with my "purging". I have been going through each room in the apartment, piling stuff by the door to go to charity. I have a ridiculous amount of stuff for one person and it's time to scale it back. The pile by the door now takes up half the freaking living room. I'll have to call St. Vincent DePaul next week to come pick it all up. Plus all my mom's stuff that she had left here when she moved has been sorted through and I will take it all down with me on the 16th when I visit her. That is also piled in the living room. If someone were to walk in here right now they would swear I was moving out, lol.
Well, I guess I will get back to work. I think around 4 o'clock I will take a break and go back to watching season 2 of Buffy. Ever since I cut back all my satellite channels to just basic I have no choice but to start watching all my DVDs. I miss TLC and HGTV though. I am so addicted to those home improvement shows. Chris is thoroughly sick of them, so he's doesn't have a problem with the lack of channels (until he wants to watch Speed Channel or TSN, then he'll be pissed, lol).
I hope you all are having a peaceful and relaxing weekend!
Man, what a week. Month end was beyond hellish and to watch people get excited about how well we did and still not have a pay plan really pissed me off.
This cough is lingering but I am slowly feeling better. Now Chris is sick, so I hope I don't catch that. I really do need to start taking vitamins...
On the bright side, the temperature is above freezing today and the sun is peeping out. After the snow and ice storm yesterday, it is a relief.
No plans for the weekend at this point, other than trying to catch up on all the lost sleep this week. Here's to a safe and happy weekend for us all and less stress next week!
Jeff Foxworthy On Ontario
If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 36 " of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you live in Ontario.
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you live in Ontario.
If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you live in Ontario.
If you have had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialled a wrong number, you live in Ontario.
1. "Vacation" means going south past London for the weekend.
2. You measure distance in hours.
3. You know several people who have hit a deer more than once.
4. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and then back again.
5. You can drive 110 kph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.
6. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
7. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are all filled.
8. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction.
9. Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce.
10. Down south to you means Windsor.
11. Your 1st of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost.
12. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.
13. You find 0 degrees "a little chilly."
14. You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your Ontario friends, you live in Ontario.