10:29 AM


I have a brutal case of viral bronchitis going on that just won’t quit. I was finally back to work yesterday, but Thursday thru Sunday, 80% of my time was spent in bed. I can’t remember the last time I felt this sick. I just want to curl up in a hole with my germs and never come back out…

Can someone please explain to me why bimbos with blonde hair who flaunt their cleavage get away with bloody murder? I am stuck working with 2 of these women and it absolutely disgusts me how they get to live their professional lives by an entirely different set of rules. They both continually make mistakes, take advantage of time off…yet there are never any consequences to their actions. And those of us who are actually competent get stuck picking up the slack for these idiots. Beyond frustrating…

We actually got a bit more warm weather this week, even if it was rainy. The weekend is supposed to bring some warmth AND sun, so that would be a nice change from all the cold and cloudiness.


neicybelle said...

i'm so sorry that you have been so sick! i hope that you are feeling better!

as far as bimbos go...i haven't figured that out for myself yet. i work with a woman who gets away with murder and i just don't understand how she does it. grrrrr!

we've got snow on the ground and am expecting more tonight. not happy...
