10:43 AM

When Chris called me last night, he said,"You sound really weary". I am really weary right about now. Which just proves that I am appropriately named...Leah=weary in Hebrew.

It has been a horrid week at work, with one manager making things incredibly difficult. Even though we work in a competitive business, I do not feel the need to treat fellow dealers like crap or try to rip them off or screw them over. Apparently this is way we are supposed to be...I want no part of doing dealer trades if it involves being as asshole. I have to deal with dealers that treat me like that all the time, but it doesn't mean I have to stoop to that level. Unfortunately with my main manager off this week, I am stuck under the authority of this guy. Not fun.

I was driving home last night after a dreadful day at work. I'm at a stop light and it turns green. I start out and this freaking moron flies through the red light around the corner. If I had not been paying attention I would have written off my car. Luckily I braked hard enough to avoid this bastard by inches and even more luckily the lady behind braked quick enough. I wail on my horn at the guy but he just keeps driving on his merry way. Dickhead.

So my nerves were totally frayed for the rest of the night. I get home and I have a delightful notice from Revenue Canada, letting me know that they want my income taxes paid in full, like, now. Fantastic. I'll just pull $750 out of my ass and send it to them. They got $100 and that's all they're getting for the timebeing. Throw me in jail...at least the rent and meals are free there.

Then I go to do the dishes and one of the glasses has broken in the bottom of the sink. I slice open my knuckle and blood goes everywhere. And for some bizarre reason, my knuckle bruises and swells and throbs all night. Ugh, like I needed sleep anyway. At least if they have to amputate, it's my ring finger. I would seriously handicapped in regards to communication if it was my middle finger.

So I figure at least tonight I could go out for a nice dinner with Chris and relax. No. His dad's girlfriend is coming over for dinner. "But you can come...if you want". Yeah, like that's a fabulous sounding invitation, sounds like you really planned on having me there. So hopefully tonight will be a less disastrous night alone.

Sorry, this is one major rant. But I need to rant somewhere and this is the only place I have.

I love you guys. You help keep me sane.


Kristi K. said...

Get this: The dish-doing incident happened to my friend Sheila AT MY HOUSE a while back ago. I was overwhelmed and going through some major stuff and she came over to help me out with housework. We try to have each other's backs like that...I know where her vacuum is and I'm not afraid to help her out by using it; she knows where I keep my household cleaners and mop. If she needs gas money until payday, I hand it over; if I need a spare vehicle, she loans me one. It's more like sisters than friends, really. (And sometimes we have sisterly "debates" as well.) ;)

Anyway, She was in the kitchen, same scenario. Broken glass and blood was everywhere. She ended up in the ER with like seven stitches. I felt so bad! Here she was, helping me out, and BOOM. ER visit.

I know just what you mean about stupid drivers! Do these people not realize that they are in control of a potentially deadly weapon? I am so thankful you were not hurt! What would I do without my chats with you? I can't imagine!

Tonight, hopefully you won't have a thing to do but rest. Relax. Play video games....hey, even give me a call if you like!

As for your manager, I know how hard it can be working for someone whose ethics are questionable in areas. You are there to support them, but when they act like an idiot, should you have to support that behavior, too?

I know you'll be glad when Friday comes! Hopefully it will cool down a bit and we'll all get some relief from this unbearable heat!

neicybelle said...

am so glad to see i'm not the only one having a very crappy week...am so so glad you were able to avoid that accident! am also sorry you cut your finger...i hate when that happens!!

and as far as finances, i totally understand...

*sigh* let's get some rest and see if we can have a better week next week...

Holli said...

I am so sorry that I didnt see this until now!
What a horribly crappy day! i do hope all is better now!
BTW: I loved the eeyore! how cute!