12:02 PM

It has been a very rough week and I'm thankful it's coming to an end. Month-end at work was abismal and the stress in this new job is almost too much. Almost, I haven't cracked yet...

Chris finally bought a car, so that is a little stress taken away. He's not crazy about the car, but I got a hell of a deal on it from a fellow dealer so we shouldn't complain. It's a 4-dr black 2003 Pontiac Sunfire. I would have liked to buy something at my own damn dealership but Chris had to have a manual transmission and we just don't stock them. Ah, well. At least Chris is mobile again.

I had another massage session yesterday, so hopefully my neck and shoulders will start to get better soon and the headaches will ease. I have been sleeping so poorly lately and even taking ativan isn't helping much. By the time I get out of work, I feel like a walking zombie (probably look like one, too, lol).

I got a bunch of my hair chopped off, so I can actually style it. I also dyed it dark auburn, which is my favourite colour to have my hair. My mom hates it, so I should get an earful this weekend about my hair being too dark and too short. Bite me, I like it.

We visited the wedding chapel last night and booked the date. It is a simple little chapel, but nicely decorated (and affordable). They have a really nice civil ceremony, so we won't have to worry about totally rewording a traditional religious ceremony. Now on to finding a photographer...

Well, I'm off to Chatham this weekend to visit Mom. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend!


Kristi K. said...

Hope your trip goes well.

Sounds like things are falling together for you, except the job thing. Hope you get some relief there really soon.

neicybelle said...

yay for new hair styles and hair cuts!! yay for new cars!! (well, new to us anyway) *smiles*

boo to stressful end of the months!