1:46 PM

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that jazz...

Sorry I have been so delinquent in my posting, but work has been insane...

Well, thankfully the damn holidays are over with. I liked the time off work, but that's about it.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were spent at Chris'. Christmas Eve had his grandmother and uncle there, as well as his dad, sister and her fiance. Christmas Day was just his dad, sister, her fiance and Chris and I. It was surreal for me. I felt lost not being with my family and being surrounded by another family's traditions (or lack thereof). I missed my mom and I missed being alone with Chris, but I survived and I'm sure things will be better next year.

I headed down to Chatham on Boxing Day to see my mom. I went by myself and thoroughly screwed my back by carrying that bloody TV up 3 flights of stairs. Ah, well. I t was worth it for her surprised reaction. I had a nice visit with her and came back the night of the 27th as she had appointments the next day.

Chris and I finally had our Christmas together on the 29th. Chris did a bang-up job on my gifts this, considering I didn't ask for anything. He got me the singing snowman and penguins from Hallmark (for my snowman collection), a cute ornament and keychain, a sun protector for my car's windshield, pajamas, "Little Miss Sunshine" DVD, "Long Way Round" tv series on DVD, slippers, a very cool electrical device that keeps a travel mug warm or a can of pop cold on my desk, and a food processor. He spoiled me, and got me a bunch of things that I had wanted but never asked for.

New Year's was spent at Chris's sister's. I've had a cold since just befor New Year's, so I felt crappy. We mainly ate too much food and played Scene It music edition (I kicked butt).

I came back to work on January 3rd and it has been insane ever since. Today is the first day I have had any time to myself for a bit. The new job is going to be an experience, I'm just not sure if it will be good or bad. Or any more bloody money...

Well, I hope everyone had a joyous holiday. Here's to 2007 being a better year for us all!


Kristi K. said...

Yay to playing games and kicking butt! Boo to t.v. moving up way too many stairs. Yay to spending time with family! Boo to having to go back to work! Yay to being pampered with lotsa cool gifts... and a major BOO to having a cold!

Thanks for updating us! I enjoyed this post!