11:07 AM

Yesterday was not good on the diet and exercise front. I am one of those people who eats when they are depressed. I'm finding it very hard not to give into my cravings right now, and yesterday afternoon I caved and devoured some chocolate. So I must force myself to get back in the saddle today, even though I feel like garbage. Why the heck can't chocolate be fat and carb free?

The chili was awesome last night. Chris made it with fresh jalapenos and veggie ground "beef". There are leftovers for dinner tonight-yum!

I was going to head over to Mom's tonight, but I don't think I feel up to it. I'll wait and go tomorrow or Friday to help her with packing. I think I'll just drop in to the comic book store then head home for a quiet night (well, as quiet as you can get right now with the blasted construction).


Kristi K. said...

I'm glad you're putting yourself as a priority. You need to be cared for yourself if you hope to be there for your mom. I'm still pulling for you.

I swear that I read somewhere that there was a study wherein a group of scientists determined that chocolate helped to fight cancer. That's a plus! If I didn't have a candy bar now and then, I'd go loopy and run screaming down the road. When I was doing so well maintaining my goal weight, I ate two pcs of really good chocolate (in my case it was a local company, Esther Price) every day. The fact that the chocolate was extremely rich helped curb my need for more.

You're doing great, Ellie! Don't ever forget that!

Leah said...

THanks, Kristi! I was good girl yesterday and did my workout and ate what I was supposed to. The Buffy episode was the one with the possessed vantriliquist puppet, so that was good for some much-needed laughs!