The heat has arrived again. And Mom does not have an AC unit at her place, so last night was horrendous for trying to sleep. Plus she has no curtains so at 5:00 am I was up with the rising sun (bearing in mind the last time I saw the clock before falling asleep was 1:45 am). I also woke up to the most awful burning smell. I walk into the kitchen and there is a pot of eggs on high heat that has boiled dry and the eggshells have exploded. Mom must have put them on last night and forgot about them. Her short-term memory is really bad since the ECT treatments. I have to keep calling her to remind her to take her meds, for heaven's sake. Hopefully tonight goes better and then I am definitely spending Saturday night in my apartment so I can try and sleep in on Sunday. Bah, I said that last Sunday and ended up going shopping at Walmart at 8:00 am. Oh, well.
Oh my word! I'm so glad nothing caught fire! Burning eggs...yuck! Isn't this heat horrendous? And summer hasn't officially arrived yet...ugh!! Hope all goes better this weekend!
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