2:28 PM

A few dollars at the comic book store? Yeah, right. It cost me $35 for 7 comics. This hobby can be bloody expensive. I was very happy that he tracked down Runaways #13 for me, though. I went to bed at 8:00 last night. I swear, this cold has kicked the living hell out of me. Thank god I rarely get sick. They laid off our shop foreman yesterday, as the department is losing money in a big way. I'm not sure if laying Mike off was a decent solution, but it certainly sets an ominous tone around here.


Unknown said...

Just leaving a message cause I am a comic book collector :D
I went to the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon.
I am from Ottawa.
Check my blog out :)

Leah said...

Always good to find another comic fan! I missed out on the comicon but hope I can make the one in September!