A few dollars at the comic book store? Yeah, right. It cost me $35 for 7 comics. This hobby can be bloody expensive. I was very happy that he tracked down Runaways #13 for me, though. I went to bed at 8:00 last night. I swear, this cold has kicked the living hell out of me. Thank god I rarely get sick. They laid off our shop foreman yesterday, as the department is losing money in a big way. I'm not sure if laying Mike off was a decent solution, but it certainly sets an ominous tone around here.
Dinner with Elizabeth went well last night. We had shrimp at Red Lobster and went shopping afterwards. She got me season2 of Roswell, Harry Potter & TGOF, two pairs of earrings, some candles and some candy. The car purchase has left me completely broke, so I think it's going to be a quiet couple of weeks, especially with Chris & Mom's birthdays coming up, as well as Mother's Day. I will have to spend a few dollars at the comic book store today though, as the new Astonishing X-men and Runaways come out today.
Well, Mom is all moved in to her new apartment. Now if I could just stay away from there for a while, life would be good. I hooked up her internet yesterday and already she's having computer problems so I can see this will be fun. I have been sicker than a dog since last Wednesday, so any scheduled alone time with Chris has gone all to hell. I might as well be a bloody nun. The new car is awesome--it is so great being mobile again without having to always rely on someone else. I'm having my birthday dinner with Elizabeth tonight so I'm looking forward to that.
Well, Sunday was the big day. I am now officially old. It went by without much fanfare, although Chris and I had a fabulous meal at Canyon Creek Chophouse. He got me tickets to the LOTR stage show, which sounds awesome. I have always wanted to go to a theatrical production like this, so I'm very excited. I bought a car this week and am just waiting for insurance confirmation so I can get the darn thing licensed. It's 1995 Honda Accord in mint condition. In other good news, Mom is moving out tomorrow into her new apartment downtown. I cannot wait to have my home all to myself again. It has been a long seven months of sharing 750 square feet with your mother.
Woot! I managed to score a vehicle for a week starting next Thursday, so I will be fully mobile once again. Just in time for the big 3-0, which is approaching at an alarming rate. Been a fun week at home, with some minor scuffles with my maternal roommate. Got my first 6 volumes of Fables and have read the first three. I must say, I really like this series and am glad I forked out the money for them. Off to my LCS for the first time in about three weeks, so I should have lots of reading ahead of me. I bought Daniel Powter's album off of Itunes and I just love it. Another talented Canuck!