1:39 PM

Six days til Christmas. Whoop-de-do. Normally I love this season, but my mood is so crappy right now I am barely getting any enjoyment out of it. Chris is a big Bah Humbug, so that doesn't help. Mom, on the other hand, is the epitome of Christmas Joy, baking til her heart's content and gleefully awaiting the blessed day. I want to kill her...not really, but I can barely muster up any Christmas spirit. Lucky is on the warparth...he is attacking Chris with a vengeance. He drew blood big time on Saturday. Damned cockatiel needs to go on Zoloft or something. Mom has headed off to Brantford til tomorrow night, so we have the apartment to ourselves for one night. We went to Dad's yesterday for the obligatory Christmas visit...obligatory on his part, not mine. I would happily see my father more than 2 times a year, but apparently the feeling ain't mutual. I got a couple of Boyd's Bears, FCUK perfume and some gift certificates. Chris got beer and to paraphrase the immortal Homer Simpson, "Mmmmm, beer".