I hosted my Women's Clinic on Wednesday night. I had a record number of guests (38) and once again, no bloody recognition for it. I really am not sure why I put any effort into these things since management doesn't seem to give a shit. The twit who does a fraction of my job out at our sister dealership got half of that response, and has her praises sung. Shoot me now, please. Chris is seriously worrying me right now. Someone backed into his car on Wednesday, so that has just added to his view of "neverending bad things" happening to him. I can tell he's upset with the situation with Mom, but I really have no choice. I can't leave her to go completely crazy by herself, an hour away from me. He's making a lot of off the cuff remarks about "it's the end of the line" etc. so I am dealing with a suicidal mother and boyfriend. My guts just ache all day long. It certainly is helping my diet, though. I've lost 10 lbs. so far, and it's only been 10 days.
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