Hmmm...the urge to commit matricide is sometimes overwhelming. I love my mother dearly, but she is driving me cuckoo. She has gotten herself a unlimited long-distance plan, so she is calling me everyday. And then squawks that I'm not talkative. How much can there be to talk about when she never goes anywhere or does anything, and all I do is work, eat and sleep? And her paranoia is getting bad again, as all her neighbours are out to get her and make her life misable, people are watching her, etc. I understand mental illness, being a long-time GAD and depression sufferer myself, but at times her paranoia gets tiresome. Chris is going through a rough patch again, so the stress of dealing with two people who are having mental issues is getting to me. Especially since I have to closely monitor my own feelings of anxiety and depression. I am my mother's only outlet, as she has no friends or family around...just me. I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions, as Chris gets frustrated that she is so dependent on me and I'm conflicted between feeling obligated to come to her rescue and telling her she has to find other people to rely on. Times like this I wish I liked to drink...BTW, the psychic was cancelled for Friday night, so much for any enlightening predictions.
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