I needed a laugh today. One of our managers bought this Elmo and you have never seen a group of grown adults laugh so hard as all of us standing in our GM's office watching this little laughing monster. I have the original, but it doesn't hold candle to this guy. Even watching the video had me doubled over.
7 days left in the lower pit of automobile service hell...I managed to talk my boss into only having to be downstairs for 3 hours, so it's not as bad as it could have been.
Chris is still horribly sick. I haven't seen him since Sunday, so that has me going into sweetie withdrawal. He sounds like a frog and I'm guessing he will lose his voice today or tomorrow (which sucks since the only communication we have right now is the telephone). I just really don't want to get sick, so I can't risk seeing him til he's starting to get better, but I miss him.
I barely got any sleep last night, so I feel like a zombie today. One of my coworkers was talking about how much stuff she was buying her baby granddaughter for Christmas. She just has so much enthusiasm for being a grandma (Madison is simply adorable, so I really can't blame her). My mother, on the other hand, has told me repeatedly that I should never have children because I don't have enough patience to handle it. Not to mention my mom really doesn't like kids much. My father barely registers my existence, let alone any future offspring. So this had my wheels turning most of the night. Chris and I are up in the air about having children-we currently don't have plans to have any, but won't dismiss the idea altogether. It just really irks me when my mother says that to me. I don't have patience-this from a woman who would smack me with the hairbrush and then break the brush on the sink when my hair wouldn't do what she wanted it to or would throw a chair off the balcony in one of her fits of rage. I can be an impatient person, but I also managed to have enough patience to look after 30 screaming school age children for 5 hours every day for 6 years. Obviously not the same as parenting, but enough to give you wide exposure to the delights of children and their behaviours. It's something I shouldn't let bother me, but it does. Plus Chris' sister got on his back about not having kids last week, so that kind of stirred everything up...
The next two weeks can not go by quick enough. My boss leaves for Florida tomorrow, so I am stuck having to go down and work on the service desk during his absence. The one service advisor is a moron, the tower operator is grumpy and the atmosphere is tense. Yuck. I much prefer being up in my little office on the second floor by myself. Plus I have to cash out all our customers, who are usually pissed because the service advisor didn't bother to call and explain the repairs to them. Shoot me now, please.
Chris is laid up in bed with the flu, so I am hoping he hasn't passed it on to me. He was sick all night on Saturday, barely able to enjoy our dinner out. Something is definitely going around and I don't want it. Calling in sick while the boss is away would definitely not go over well.
I'm off to Mom's this weekend for a visit. I haven't seen her in a month so she is getting antsy. So far, things seem to be going well in the new apartment and her worker pops in every Monday to check on her and help with groceries, etc. I am not looking forward to the drive but it should be okay if the snow holds off. It's supposed to be 16 degrees again today (60 degrees F) but start dropping as of Thursday with snow in the forecast for the weekend.
I cleared all my regular knick-knacks and decor out of the living room, but haven't been able to get into the spirit to put up the Christmas decorations. It's going to be a strange Christmas for me, as I am so used to having it with my mom. Waking up by myself Christmas morning is not something I am looking forward to.
Hope the weather is nice where you are and you have a great Tuesday!
I am strangely in a good mood today. Not quite sure why, but I might as well roll with it.
I have to work tomorrow, which sucks, but at least Nicole is coming by to pick up the gifts for the kids party so that will be over and done with and I won't have to think about it for another year.
It's our anniversary on Sunday-8 years. Oy, I have dated Chris for almost a third of my life. We are going out to the Canyon Creek Chophouse on Saturday, so that should be a nice dinner, plus we could use an evening out.
The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend-11 degrees and sunny. Hopefully Chris and I can do something outdoors. Plus I would like to get some of my Christmas stuff up, since I'm away at Mom's next weekend (I am one those sad people that normally has her Xmas tree up by mid-November).
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
There are days when I know I should not read the headlines on my home page. This week has been that way--some headlines have just pissed me off to no end.
Michael Richards--what on earth was he thinking? How can you go into such a hateful, dispicable tirade and expect people to believe that you are not racist? He looked genuinely sorry on Letterman, but geez. I understand being angry at hecklers, but attacking them because of their race is absolutely horrid. I watched the clip from the comedy club and was stunned-I am not sure if his career will recover from this, and it will serve him right.
OJ Simpson and Fox--greed knows no limits. The sick bastard basically confesses in a book and is given millions of dollars to do so, and Fox didn't think people would be outraged? Haven't the victims families been through enough? Now that the whole thing has been cancelled, OJ is whining about the loss of money that would have gone to his children (yeah, right) and how Ron Goldman's family keep trying to drain him dry. Boo hoo.
AFA vs Walmart--I just caught wind of this this morning after Walmart did some backpedalling to please the AFA and stop the boycott. There are days when I think we are still living in the bloody stone age, with a bunch of bigots running our countries. Bigotry is wrong, whether it is a prejudice against race, religion, creed or sexual orientation. We all are humans, we all deserve the same rights. Which brings me to my next fury of the week...
Stephen Harper-our prime minister has made good on his campaign promise to reopen the debate on gay marriage (hence why he didn't get my vote). It was made legal by the previous Liberal government and made Canada the fourth country to come out of the dark ages and grant gay people the same rights the rest of us have. Harper has a minority government so chances are the motion will get struck down, but it still infuriates me. Al this nonsense about gay marriage damaging children and destroying family values--gee, I don't see heterosexuals doing such a bang up job of maintaining family values and providing secure, loving homes for their children. The freaking divorce rate is over 50%, so who's to say gay people can't do as good of a job (it's not exactly a high standard to live up to)? Churches are not required to perform ceremonies for gay couples if they choose not to, so they aren't having their rights infringed upon. I just don't get it, but I should probably shut up now or risk offending people.
I'm in stressed out frame of mind, so things are not sliding off like they normally would. But maybe that's a good thing, since too often people let too many things just slide off..
4 hours, 51 more minutes to go...
Well, I didn't end up calling in sick yesterday but I did play hooky in the afternoon after my doctor's appointment. I told my boss I had to go for bloodwork and an ultrasound and I wouldn't be back...I should feel guilty, but I don't. I ended up going out to Chris' and we went for lunch and had a delightful afternoon alone.
I just talked to my mom, who seems to be doing pretty good at her new place. The maintenance staff have been really good about fixing things and she says the building is fairly quiet. I was really worried about her taking out the garbage and doing laundry (my mom has had 3 back operations and has osteoarthritis and osteoperosis), as she lives on the 3rd floor of a walkup, but she discovered this week that there is a garbage chute and laundry room on each floor, so that was a relief. Doing groceries is a bit of a challenge, but her social worker has been helping her out and I will take her out when I go up in a couple of weeks. So far, so good.
So far, I have no big plans for the weekend. We are going over to Chris' sister's for dinner on Saturday, but the rest of the weekend should be quiet (and hopefully relaxing!). I hope everyone else has a fabulous weekend!
Today is a day of rescheduling.
First, my ob-gyn's office calls and tells me my appointment has been cancelled. So that's been moved until tomorrow. Gee, I am just in mourning about putting off that pap smear for another day...
Then my dad emails me and tells me I no longer have to puppysit on Saturday-George Carlin is sick and has cancelled his performance in Toronto. Which sucks, because I was looking forward to seeing those puppies...
Today is shopping day for the kid's xmas party. I had 4 other people helping me out, but 2 of them have abandoned me, so it will just be 3 of us. I cannot wait until this party is over and done with...
I got a location for our adult party for January 6th. It sucks having to have it in January, but I really didn't have many other options. My GM is pissed because he is away on vacation, but you can't please everybody...
I am feeling crummy-I've been tired and had an upset digestive system all week. I 'm thinking tomorrow would make a really good sick day (sshhh, don't tell my boss)...
Hey, it's almost lunchtime. I think I wll curl up with my book (I'm rereading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series- I'm currently on "The Fiery Cross") and maybe try eating some soup. I hope everyone is having a great day!
What a week. Aside from the regular aspects of my job being totally out of control this week, the bloody volunteer work I do here went to hell as well. I head our social committee, which presently consists of me and another co-worker from one of our other dealerships. I do all the work, mainly because I'm a control freak. Anywho, I get a phone call on Wednesday from the banquet hall that is hosting our Christmas party in mid-December. Apparently they are under construction and won't be finished in time for our party. Their alternative: they will host it in the Knights of Columbus Hall with their catering. Ewwww-the KOC hall is a small drab little place and there is no way we can have our party there. And of course, by this time, every place else is booked up for december on Saturdays. AARRRGGHHH! So now I'm trying to pull something together for January that fits around all the bigwigs schedules. I had wanted to resign from the damn committee at the end of this year, but we are so short handed there is no way.
The nightmare that is the children's party is coming up shortly, so we have to go buy all the gifts on Wednesday (each child actually gets to write a list, so it's not like we can just go buy bulk gifts for each age group). Thankfully I don't have to actually attend the kid's party, as all the parents do is whine about how long it takes for each kid to go get their gift and visit with Santa. The kids are good as gold, it's the parents with no patience. It's better that Nicole handles the kid's party, because I would tell the impatient morons to go f**k themselves.
Well, here's to next week being a more calm one. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
It's going to be a week full of Mondays, I can just tell...
The weekend was pretty quiet. We had dinner with Chris' dad, his sister, her fiance and Chris grandmother and uncle on Saturday night. Sam made a great roast beef dinner. But the evening had a sour note for me, since Chris still hasn't told his grandmother about the engagement and had every bloody opportunity to do so Saturday night. He has the smallest freaking family on the planet and half of them don't know about the engagement. I could just smack him...wait, I did smack him...apparently that didn't exorcise all my frustration.
On Sunday I had Chris over for dinner and he checked my tires and oil before the trip on Monday. I made Mom tortellini with shrimp and mushrooms in alfredo sauce. Chris and I had samosas, rogan josh with chicken and naan bread. It was so yummy-I wasn't sure if it would turn out as well as it does at the Indian restaurant but I was pleasantly surprised.
Monday was quite the day. We were at the storage place for 9:00 am but the movers didn't show until 10:10. They loaded the truck and we headed out. It took us about 2.25 hours to get to Chatham-the bloody movers took 3.25. They unloaded the stuff for about an hour and then gave us the bill, for $10 more an hour than was originally quoted. All told, it cost $1150 for the movers. Mom only had $1000, so I had to fork out $150 (which I really couldn't afford to do). The apartment she has is really nice and clean in a small building, close to most amenities. Hopefully she can keep a positive outlook and not get caught up in negative thinking. She was already worrying about how lonely she would be...hell, it wasn't my idea for her to move 2 and a half hours away. I hope her social worker will keep a close eye on her...
Work has gone straight to hell since last week (and I thought last week was bad!). They laid off one of our service advisors and screwed with our computer systems-I have 500 freaking reminders to individually go through, to make sure they are correct. My GM dumped a pile of marketing crap on me plus they rescheduled our meeting to tonight without letting me know. Rat bastards...(can we all start singing the Machete song now?)
Thank you, Kristi, for getting "The Name Game" song stuck in my head. Now every employee that I see makes me start doing the song in my head with their name...lol.
Work has been bonkers, hence why I haven't been able to post much. My machete weilding days are coming, I tell ya.
November 1st has come and gone and I have officially launched into Christmas present buying mode. I should be done by the end of November. I hate crowds, so getting it done early just saves me the misery of slogging the through the crowds. I have some candle holders for Mom and a Snowbaby for Elizabeth and a Trailer Park Boys toque for Chris. Next week when my bonus comes in I will be able to knock off a whole bunch.
Mom moves on Monday, so that should be an adventure. I figure it will cost about $1000 to get the move done, considering there is 2.5 hours of travel time each way and her apartment building doesn't have an elevator (ugh, she's on the third floor). I hope she likes it there and can finally get herself settled. I won't be able to visit her again until the first weekend in December, so hopefully she will be able to get used to the separation.
Have a good weekend, all!