TGIF! What a long week. I swear all the kooks have come out of the woodwork and it's not even a full moon! All in all, the week could have been worse. Mom paid for the groceries this week, so that was a load off my shoulders. She went to Brantford yesterday for an appointment, so Chris and I finally got some decent time alone together (alone time that actually went as planned for once). I am eagerly anticipating my latest shipment from Popular Comics-all the current trades of "Fables" and the newest Runaway trade. I am debating whether or not to attend either of the two Comicons coming up in Toronto. I can't say there is really anyone I'm itching to see, aside from Adrian Alphona. I'll have to see if Chris feels like going or not. Had a good week for issue summaries-I actually handed in three. No big plans for the weekend, although sleep is definitely on the agenda.
Mondays stink. My phone has rung off the hook all day. I had a pretty quiet weekend-we went for a walk on Saturday since the weather was so nice and I made some awesome fajitas for dinner. Sunday was a dull day of watching TLC, laundry and organizing the ridiculous amount of comic books lying around the house.
It has basically been the week from hell. The company launching our outgoing automated calls have made three major fuckups this week and I have had to pay for each of them, since it's my voice on the recordings. We are making no money in the department right now, so my bonus sucked big time. My mother has managed to download a shit load of spyware and a possible virus onto my brand new computer at home. Plus we are supposed to be going up north on Saturday, but Chris' dad won't decide until that morning, so I'm left hanging in the air about what we are doing. Personally, I would be content curling up in bed and not getting out for the entire weekend, but no such luck. The only happy news-no more Brenna on "Idol". Woohoo!